Sunday, January 14, 2007

Welcome to Turkana Friends Mission - Kenya!

Turkana Friends Mission extends vital outreach for the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in East Africa. With an independent board of governors, the mission sponsors Friends churches, water projects, primary and nursery schools and scholarships for female high school students. In this semi-arid region of north-western Kenya, Friends' witnesses provide hope, and Friends' worship expresses joy that many people in Turkana have discovered by following Jesus Christ. Find out about Kenya and Turkana:

Learn more about Turkana Friends Mission - Kenya, on the web page of Friends United Meeting:

Turkana is one of the poorest regions of Kenya, often troubled by armed fighting with neighboring ethnic groups, such as the Pokot and the Samburu. Characterized mostly by nomadic pastoralist communities, Friends in Turkana live simply and lack material resources, but they are rich in Christ's love and joy. You can help needy Friends in Turkana. Sponsor a secondary school student, promote education for girls, help bring water to thirsty communities, educate new pastors, promote peacebuilding and conflict resolution, and plant churches in remote areas by contributing funds through Friends United Meeting. Specify that your gift is for "Turkana Friends Mission - Kenya" when you make your online gift or write it on the memo line, if you send a check to Friends United Meeting, ATTN: Turkana Friends Mission contribution, 101 Quaker Hill Drive, Richmond IN 47374-1980 USA.

Visit this blog for more news, coming soon.

Wishing you every blessing in 2007,

Pastor John Moru


Unknown said...

It's great to see you have a website. God bless you all.

Retha McCutchen

Johan Maurer said...

Dear John Moru!

I'm so excited to see this blog. I will put a link to it on my blog. Warmest Christian greetings from Oregon. Please give my greetings to anyone who might remember me!


Johan Maurer